Tuesday, November 23, 2010

I don't think you really mean it

Almost forgot to write the blog today.  I  have just been annoyed and busy with stupid shit at work, that's all. 

But, it's not like I have a bunch to write about today.

Oh, wait, I do have one thing.  So, bear and ry went to this place called Pump it Up in stow, it's like a jump house emporium for Bear's second cousin's birthday party on Sunday.  They had a great time, lots of fun and rug burn I've been told (I had to work). 

Yesterday second cuz's mom calls roro (who watches bear) and says that second cuz has strep throat.  And had it before the party.  And her mom knew about it, but she was feeling better!  So, then she got all sick again that night, of course and the dr said it was still strep throat.  So now all the kids at the party have been potentially contaminated with strep.  Joy.  I'm pretty mad about the whole thing.  Why don't people ever practice the 'if you are sick, stay home' technique?  They really should.  The worst part, cuz's mom is a nurse.  So she should have known better.  Really, it's people like that who don't stay home when they are sick who create pandemics. 

Well, there's my bitch fest.

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