Thursday, June 9, 2011

Cause we still love the sex and drugs just like the good old days

Sorry I didn't write yesterday.  It was one of those weird days where I just didn't have the desire to do anything at all.  I can't say it was one of my more productive days.  I don't know why but I've been apathetic about life lately.  I can't seem to shake it, like, I know I have lots of good things in life to live for and do, I just can't get excited or care much at all about them.  I'm thinking it's just hormonal, honestly.  So, this too, shall pass. 

Also, an author I really like just killed off a main love interest in a series I really like.  So that pissed me off and depressed me yesterday, too.  I hate that.  She promises it'll be okay, and just to trust her, but he was a pile of dust.  Not sure how she's gonna jump the shark back from that one.  Oh well.  That's how it goes in these books I read. 

Imagine I wrote something profoundly prolific and amazingly interesting here today.  And then comment on that awesomely prolific blog post (the pretend hypothetical one I didn't actually write) down below.  It'll be more exciting than commenting on what I actually wrote, that's for sure.

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