Monday, January 30, 2012

Hello, it's me. I've thought about us for a long, long time

So much going on this time.  Had a pretty awesome time at the Akron Public Schools Science Fair this weekend.  Had a pretty popular booth.  Wanna see it?  Here you go:
Ryan and Asher stopped by about halfway through and helped me out, and also browsed the science fair.  I was a little reluctant to go but I'm glad I did.  Everyone seemed really interested in water and what we do here, and that makes me pretty happy. 

We also went and saw this really awesome presentation that some 8th grade students from Akron did on water, they had come here to do their research.  It was so good!  It's a good feeling to know that you know that what you do is important and that people, especially young people, care enough about it to find out. 

Sunday was much more relaxed.  Tried webcamming with the CA folks but that didn't go too great, neither of our children seemed interested in talking so it was short and sweet, but nice to talk to them nonetheless. 

Ry and I are still at an impasse on names for this baby.  It's so hard to name a person!

I've been feeling a little down about my relationship with my family lately.  I feel that my mother's constant negativity and just general 'debbie downerism' is really starting to get to me.  Why do I feel that I need my mother's approval still?  I don't know, it's beyond me why I care.  But I do.  Anyway, it's nothing major, just something that's been on my mind lately. 

Leaving for CA in less than three weeks.  The countdown is on!  I'm really looking forward to it.  It'll be nice to go and chill with the Morrisons for a bit, it's so hard to do that when they are here because they have so much family stuff going on for them. 

As for new years resolutions, taking asher to the park for January...check.  I didn't teach him anything about nature, per se, but we did go sledding so that was pretty awesome.  And naturetastic, right?  I think it counts. 

Anyway, this post has been kinda rambly.  I should probably wrap it up.  

1 comment:

  1. All mammals want and/or need mom's attention. Tis natural.
    By the way it counts.
    Sorry about Momocho. I promise we will go next week.
